DI Danish Construction

DI Danish Construction (DI Byggeri) is an independent business organization within Danish Industry (DI) that contains approximately 6.700 contractors and manufacturing companies within the Danish building and construction sector.

About us

We create and sustain the conditions in which our member companies can compete and prosper, and promote our members' political interests.

The member companies, composed of major building contractors, small and medium-sized construction companies and manufacturers of building components, are involved in a range of core activities, from infrastructure and turnkey projects, to contractor work specializing in bricklaying, carpentry and roofing, as well as manufacturing building components, such as doors and windows.

The work of DI Danish Industry includes:

  • Looking after labour market and training policy interests
  • Generally looking after enterprise policy interests - in Denmark and abroad
  • Dealing with collective agreements and providing advice for employers
  • Developing and communicating building regulations and knowledge
  • Looking after companies’ sales and customer-related interests at home and abroad
  • Beneficial purchasing agreements and commercial proposals aimed at members
  • Regional, professional and local activities in areas, sections and local associations
  • Membership administration, recruiting, etc.
  • Information and communication for the various target groups
  • Building Guarantee – a financial safety net for private customers in case of a fault or defect in work agreed with a building company that is a member of the Danish Construction Association
  • In-service training and courses that ensure that the companies and their employees can develop their skills.

International organisations

Through our membership in international organisations, we work to safeguard members’ interests within the international political area.
DI Danish Construction is member of several international organisations, among others:

FIEC European Construction Industry Federation

European International Contractors (EIC)

Doing Business in Denmark

Information for construction companies on doing business in Denmark.

For information about collective agreement coverage through membership, contact us at: +45 33 77 38 50 or personalejura-db@di.dk.

Department for labour law and collective agreements

 Get advise on employment, labour law and collective agreements.
The Department for labour law and collective agreement's main areas of responsibility:

  • Advising our members on the Danish rules on employment (as implemented by law and collective agreements)
  • Representing our members vs. the labour unions in case of industrial disputes under the collective agreements
  • Negotiating new collective agreements with the labour unions

Contact us

Phone: +45 33 77 38 50
Email: personalejura-db@di.dk

Legal Department

Our Legal Department can help you and your business with legal issues.

Legal advice to members

We offer legal advice to members of the Danish Construction Association, primarily in the areas of construction law, public procurement law and competition law. Our job is to ensure that as a member you have the best possible conditions for running your business – and that you have been informed of the rules and regulations in this regard.

We can help you so you can run your business, but we cannot run it for you. As a member of the Danish Construction Association, you are entitled to advice regarding your legal rights and legal actions.

Safeguarding your interests

The Legal Department safeguard the industry's general interests when rules and regulations are made, for example by submitting responses to consultations regarding future bills and by participating in key councils, boards, etc.

Influencing tender specifications, including state-aided and subsidised construction

The Legal Department will keep you updated on the host of tender specifications under which members of the Danish Construction Association operate. As an organisation, the Danish Construction Association may file a complaint with the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (Klagenævnet for Udbud), and we handle both violations of public procurement rules and cases concerning derogation from AB 92* and AB 18** in state-aided and subsidised construction, including subsidised residential construction (*AB 92: General Conditions for the provision of works and supplies within building and engineering, 1992 and **AB 18: General conditions for building af construction works and supplies, 2018)).


The Legal Department offers a variety of courses on construction law, public procurement law and competition law. Members can also order courses tailored to employees in individual businesses, possibly on other subjects relating to our fields of activity.

Contact us

Phone: +45 33 77 37 60
Email: dibyggeri@di.dk

Health and Safety Department

The Department for Occupational Health and Safety can help you and your business with occupational health and safety issues.

The most common areas of advice to member companies are:

  • Fundamentals of the Danish legislation on OHS (The Act of Working Environment)
  • How to comply with the Danish OHS-legislation
  • Your relation to the Working Environment Authority; - how to act if You get an executive order?
  • Penalties in relation to executive orders
  • Reporting work related accidents and diseases
  • The mandatory workplace assessment
  • The obligations of the safety coordinator in the project phase and in the construction phase
  • ‘On-location-advice’ by Bam-Bus – free of charge.

Read more here:

Working environment policy of the Danish Construction Association

Almost 400 pages of OHS rules and guidelines.

Working environment for building and construction - English 

Arbeitsschutz in der baubranche - Deutsch

Srodowisko pracy w sektorze budowlanym - Polski

Ambiente di lavoro nel settore dell'edilizia - Italiano

Saúde e seguranca no local de trabalho para setor da construcao civil - Português

When are employees responsible and when is management responsible?

Improvement notices and administrative fines in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Act

Hazardous and expensive – can you afford the fines?

Information about COVID-19

Guidelines on how to prevent the spread of coronavrius at work.